Devel_HTB_PT1 Step one: ping host to make sure it’s active: ping Step two: run nmap against host (in this case it doesn’t matter how noisy we are): nmap -v -A -p- So we know there are two services we can start with, anonymous ftp and a windows server on port 80 with option TRACE. It looks like the ftp share is actually in the root of the IIS web server: Based on that information let’s see if we can upload a file and access it via our browser.

New hugo post

Run: hugo new posts/<uri_of_post>.md Open in markdown editor (e.g. Obsidian) Once you’ve finished writing the post change draft from true to false Navigate in your terminal to the main blog directory and run hugo Navigate to the public directory Run git add . Run Git commit -m "<name of blog post>" Run git push origin master

Installing Hugo on Windows

I’m going to be using Chocolatey to install Hugo. The install page for chocolatey is here: Run Get-ExecutionPolicy . Mine returned restricted. I then ran Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned. Run the following command Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')) Run choco Success! Install Hugo: Run choco install hugo-extended Install Git: Run the .exe installer from Build a site! (I’m going to be using the Poison theme: https://themes.